© 2017 Sam


What’s your favorite holiday, mine is Christmas. I love all of the traditions that my family has. Every year we spend Christmas at my grandma’s house on my mom’s side. a new tradition that we only started a few years ago is that we all get new Christmas pajamas on Christmas eve and ware them that night. On Christmas morning we usual wake up pretty early and then we have to wait for everyone else to wake up before we can go get our presents. Those are some of the traditions that my family has.

Another part about Christmas that I love is giving presents. The feeling of giving the present to someone is the best feeling you will ever know in your whole life. When they rip it open and their face lights up it makes me feel so good. Your probably wondering how a sixth grader buys presents for people but you will be getting an answer. My family usually goes to Kohl’s because, they have things that everyone in the family like. My parents give us ten dollars for each person we are buying gifts for. That is another part of Christmas that I love.

Small box tied with a black ribbon

Probably my favorite part of Christmas is receiving presents. Some things that I get I may have been waiting the whole year to get, and some I only knew about a few weeks before Christmas. After we open the presents we get to spend the entire day playing with them and figuring them out. The breakfast is usually pancakes and we get to drink as much hot chocolate as we want. The presents that we got from Kohl’s we usually open before we go to my grandma’s house.That is my favorite part of Christmas.

Cup of Fresh Latte

pictures from –Creative Commons License   Marco Verch viaCompfightCreative Commons License Marco Verch via Compfight


Hot Chocolate Recipe – Hot Co-Co

Kohl’s Website –Kohl’s

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